GCSE and A Level Exam Dates

Exams are approaching! Below is confirmation of all the exam dates for my GCSE and A level English students: 

GCSE English Language and Literature

Language Paper 1    23rd May
Language Paper 2    6th June

Literature Paper 1   13th May
Literature Paper 2   20th May

English Literature A Level

Paper 1   24th May
Paper 2   5th June

English Language A Level

Paper 1  23rd May
Paper 2  7th June

We still have plenty of revision sessions in the coming weeks! Looking forward to another great set of results from everyone this year.





GCSE and A Level Results Success


All twelve of my GCSE and A Level cohort for summer 2022 have now received their results and, without exception, they have performed extremely well. All at least matched their predicted grades in Language and Literature and in over 90 % of cases the final grades were above those predicted.

I am absolutely thrilled for all of them and pleased too that such kind feedback was sent to me on results day. It has been a tough couple of years for these students and the rewards they have received for their outstanding efforts make everything worthwhile.

Below is a selection of comments from parents and students to give you a flavour of how important success is to each of them. I am really proud to have had the opportunity to work with all of them.

Hi Jonathan,

I got my A level results yesterday, and I got three A*s! Thank you so much for all of your help with my personal statement and interview prep, as well as all of our sessions over lockdown. I really appreciate it and feel like they’ve prepared me well for Cambridge!


We wanted to let you know that we can’t express in just a few words our gratitude for the possibilities and opportunities you have given to Aurélia to explore.  This journey wouldn’t have been the same without your professional guidance, all your care and attention.  We know it was going to be difficult to be home-schooled. We needed the best teachers. We feel very privileged and blessed to have found you😊

Not only did you help her reach the highest grade in English literature with a  A* as well as a  A in English in her IGCSE but you also gave her the confidence to move forward and beyond in her learning.


Hi Jonathan

I got an 8 in English Literature and a 9 in Language! Thank you so much for all your help and I’ve decided I’m definitely doing English Literature for a-level.


To Jonathan

I got a 7 in English language and 6 in English lit!!!!!! After getting 5 and 6s the whole of year 10 and 11!

Thank you so much


Hi Jonathan

Thought you would want to know that Charlotte got 7s in both Lit and Lang, she is so pleased!!


Hi Jonathan,

Killian got grade 5 in English Language and 4 in English Literature!

We are really pleased for him,  he is delighted. Thank you so much for all you did.

Kind Regards,


Hi Jonathan

I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that Shaan got grade 9s in English literature and English language.

Thanks so much for your support and looking forward to continuing working with you in Sept.

Kind regards,


Examination time – with a difference

It has been a very challenging time for all students in secondary education but those whose external exams have been cancelled have had to contend with more uncertainty than seems fair. Year 11 and 13 students have a challenging term ahead of them once the Easter break is over as they face a series of assessments to determine their final grades.

After last year’s chaos, the good news is that the algorithm chaos of last year has been avoided. Instead the situation for 2021 is that schools can determine grades by using a combination of mock exams, coursework and essays. In essence then, the grading system for this year is built around teachers’ judgements.

Continue reading “Examination time – with a difference”

GCSE resits success!

man in library

Congratulations to all my GCSE English resit students for their super results in the November exams.

Every single one of them secured at least the equivalent of a pass, with a couple of students performing superbly to secure grade 7, or what used to be thought of as a low A.  I received some really kind feedback from one of their parents:

‘I wanted to let you know that William boosted his English grade and got a 7- we are all so happy!

Thanks again for all your help – couldn’t have done it without you.

Thanks again,
Kathryn Edward and William’

Continue reading “GCSE resits success!”

Online tuition and the coronavirus

There’s an interesting article on the BBC today which includes a good section on the outlook for education in the near future and the role of online tuition.

Scroll down to the fifth section to see what Branwen Jeffreys has to say:


Over the past five weeks or so, all my sessions have moved online and students have adapted to this with remarkable ease, using technology like Zoom and Facetime effortlessly,

Continue reading “Online tuition and the coronavirus”

GCSE and A Level Results

library books

A big congratulations and thanks to all the students from this year who have done so well in achieving the grades they needed. Thanks too for the great feedback on results day!

Best wishes to everyone.

GCSE and A level exams Spring 2019

girl reading

English Tutor Knutsford:

Good luck to all my students embarking on a busy exam period! I hope all the hard work pays off for you.

For any students in Knutsford looking for an English tutor for extra help in the summer of for the next academic year, please get in touch.

English Tutor Knutsford / Altrincham / Wilmslow

GCSE and A Level results

writing in a book

Congratulations to all my students on their excellent  English GCSE and A level results.

Some intensive last minute revision has helped significantly in a number of cases, with the final grades much better than those predicted by the schools after the mocks.  Overall, pleased to have helped so many students get the grades they need for the next stage of their lives!